There are several ham-radio repeaters in the county. Some are maintained by the club, while others are maintained privately by local amateur operators or the Yakima County Sheriff's Office (Search and Rescue). Scroll down for a partial list. We've been informed by Search and Rescue that their repeaters are open to general ham use, unless there's an active search being conducted.
Select Yakima County Repeaters

Eagle Peak W7AQ
Output: 146.660
Input: 146.060
CTCSS: 123
NOTES: very popular
Elephant Mountain W7AQ
Output: 146.840
Input: 146.240
CTCSS: 123
NOTES: back online!
Bethel Ridge W7AQ
Output: 147.300
Input: 147.900
CTCSS: 123
NOTES: above Rimrock reservoir
Elephant Mountain W7AQ
Output: 224.900
Input: 223.300
CTCSS: 123
NOTES: 1.25m, online at alternate location for testing
Ahtanum Ridge W7CCY
Output: 146.940
Input: 146.340
CTCSS: 173.8
Cherry Hill KB7CSP
Output: 147.040
Input: 147.640
CTCSS: 123
NOTES: near Prosser
Quartz Mountain WA7SAR
Output: 145.270
Input: 144.670
CTCSS: 123
NOTES: Near Snoqualmie pass.
Darland Mountain WA7SAR
Output: 146.860
Input: 146.260
CTCSS: 123
NOTES: linked
King Mountain WA7SAR
Output: 147.080
Input: 147.680
CTCSS: 123
NOTES: linked
Yakima Ridge WA7SAR
Output: 147.060
Input: 147.660
CTCSS: 85.4
NOTES: linked
If you'll be operating in the Lower Valley, or close to the Tri-Cities area, you may also wish to contact the Spout Springs Club. Yakima hosts a repeater for the Spokane Repeater Group as well. This is a registered group; if you wish to use their network of repeaters (which covers most of eastern Washington), they ask that you register on the thier website.